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Translocal Learning Studio Session on Transforming Learning Spaces

On April 22nd (1:30pm-3:30pm EST) the Humanities Action Lab's Translocal Learning Studio holds the 3rd and final public session of its spring 2021 schedule directly organized by HAL community partners, students, and faculty from across our network.

Session 3 invites participants to envision new ways of imagining learning throughout our lives. We’ll share our own experiences of teaching something we love and collectively design learning practices grounded in anti-colonial and nonhierarchical approaches. This will be a chance to reflect on the values that the Translocal Learning Studio grows from and explore how they can resonate in other spaces. Together we’ll find the small ways we can hold ourselves and our communities accountable to transforming what it means to share knowledges and move towards liberation.

Free and open to the public. Advance registration required:  Register here