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Magdalena River, Colombia

Entangled Lives, Entangled Hopes


Ciénaga la Rinconada

The Rinconada Swamp is located in the lower basin of the Magdalena River.

The Cienaga and its surroundings house many people for whom the swamp is life.

Para los habitantes del lugar la Ciénaga es la madre que les brinda la comida a través de la pesca.

Depending on the time of year people fish with different tools, such as the arrow and the atarraya.

People know the color, temperature, water flows and fish cycles of the river by heart.

Living with the swamp involves knowing how it changes.

Changes like floods, droughts, and clogging channels have modified how people live.


University Partners

Universidad de los Andes and Universidad del Rosario

Community Partners

Acopesca, Asopein, Asopesarhon, Asapevema, Asopestol, Fuentemar, Famipez, Fepescarmar, and other riverside communities