Magdalena River, Colombia

Entangled Lives, Entangled Hopes

2018: Fishermen at Ciénaga de la Rinconada. Courtesy of Diana Bocarejo.

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  1. Magdalena River, Colombia

The Problem

The Roots

The Solutions

2018: Danelia Rocha. Courtesy of Diana Bocarejo.
2017: Dead Fish. Courtesy of Juliana Varona.
 2018: Fishing. Courtesy of Diana Bocarejo.
2019: Mural. Courtesy of Julián Barrera.
Triptych, left to right: Un champán-Alto Magdalena. Papel Periódico Ilustrado, by Alfredo Greñas (1881–1887); Zona de carga y descarga, by Nereo López (1958); Río Magdalena, by León Francisco Ruiz Florez (1986).  Left to right: Courtesy of Banco de la República; Courtesy of Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia; Courtesy of Biblioteca Pública Piloto de Medellín, Archivo Fotográfico.
As it flows through Colombia, the Magdalena River crosses paths with countless beings, stories, and lives. Courtesy of Rafael Díaz.
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Changes. Courtesy of Afluentes research group; edited by Julián Barrera.
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Chants. Courtesy of Afluentes research group; edited by Julián Barrera.
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Our Point of View

The Magdalena River is Colombia’s fluvial artery: a river of many lives and hopes. It travels through 1,528 kilometers of páramos, humid forests, and dry forests on its way to the sea. We were taught it is our homeland river, a place of human/natural diversity. Fishermen shared that “living waters” sustain entangled lives including their own. But their lives are interrupted and silenced by the ambition and neglect of “development.” Seeking justice includes considering ecologies of abundance and ecologies of fear—and today’s longer dry seasons, less fish, rising pollution, extreme floods and droughts, and rupturing infrastructure.

Universidad de los Andes and Universidad del Rosario

If they ask me if the Magdalena River has harmed me, I’ll say yes. But not because the river is evil, but because it needs a Nation. Riverside peoples are always the most affected. When there is flooding, drought, or fish mortality, the state barely pays any attention. Frequently, we are made responsible for living by the river even though the greatest harm is caused by hydroelectric dams, agroindustry, and extensive cattle ranching. We feel hopeful in this moment of urgency. Defending the river is defending ourselves: It is our life.

Acopesca, Asopein, Asopesarhon, Asapevema, Asopestol, Fuentemar, Famipez, Fepescarmar, and other riverside communities


University Partners

Universidad de los Andes and Universidad del Rosario

Community Partners

Acopesca, Asopein, Asopesarhon, Asapevema, Asopestol, Fuentemar, Famipez, Fepescarmar, and other riverside communities