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HAL Summer Session 4: Storytelling and Media Making

HAL Summer Session 4:
Storytelling and Media Making

Join us for our fourth HAL Summer Storytelling Session! 

These sessions are an opportunity to hear from our partners in this moment of pandemic & anti-racist, Black Lives Matter uprisings. What we share and learn in this session will help us collectively reimagine our plans for the fall and shape the building blocks for the future of HAL.

The fourth session will focus on storytelling and media making. This session will allow us to hear from frontline community partners about their work with Environmental Justice and how COVID has impacted the community and their efforts. This will also be an opportunity to collectively share experiences and resources, and reimagine how we might use these mediums to effect change. 

We're thrilled that this session will feature community partner Edith Tovar of the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) in Chicago, telling stories from their ongoing local efforts. We will also have the opportunity to learn more about the fantastic storytelling project from our partners at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez: “Mi María: Puerto Rico After the Hurricane”

Edith Tovar of LVEJO in Chicago, Illinois
Partners from University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez and the storytelling project “Mi María: Puerto Rico After the Hurricane”

The event will be participatory and we encourage you to have a piece of paper and marker/pen.

The details:
Session 4: Storytelling Today
Thursday August 20th
1:30-3:00pm EST/10:30-2:00 PST
RSVP here:

Zoom Info:
For call in or other technical needs please reply and we'll help you.

If you want to see what we've developed so far you can find a video of the first three sessions here: first session, second session, third session