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HAL Summer Session 5: Exhibitions & Public Programs

HAL Summer Session 5: Exhibitions & Public Programs

Join us for our fifth and final HAL Summer Storytelling Session!

These sessions are an opportunity to hear from our partners in this moment of pandemic and anti-racist, Black Lives Matter uprisings. What we share and learn in this session will help us collectively reimagine our plans for the fall and shape the building blocks for the future of HAL.

The fifth session will focus on exhibitions and public programs. Frontline community partners will share stories about their Environmental Justice work and the public programs they created before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The dialogue will explore how telling stories through a range of programs can build solidarities and create energy for future collective action. 

Camille Mays, Peace Garden Project MKE, Milwaukee, WI
Anthony Diaz, Newark Water Coalition, Newark, NJ

The event will be participatory, and we encourage you to have a piece of paper and marker/pen.

The details:
Session 5: Exhibitions & Public Programs
Thursday September 17th
1:30-3:00pm EST/10:30-2:00 PST
RSVP here:

Zoom Info:
For call-in or other technical needs, please email We'll reply and help you.

To see what we've developed so far, you can find videos of the first four sessions here: first session, second session, third session, and fourth session.