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Translocal Learning Studio Session #3 on Thursday, November 12th!

2018: Peace Garden Project MKE transforms makeshift roadside memorials into sites of beauty.
Peace Garden Project MKE transforms makeshift roadside memorials into sites of beauty.

HAL Translocal Learning Studio Session 3
this Thursday, November 12th!

This session will explore ways that sharing stories -- whether individual, community, or broader structural histories -- supports ongoing mutual aid and organizing efforts. Led by organizers of mutual aid in cities from Newark to Miami to Milwaukee, this workshop will explore what mutual aid is and how it's different from charity or social service; how story sharing is central to sustaining and growing mutual aid; who storytelling is for and how history/memory can support mutual aid; and what roles people from different subject positions (students, organizers, faculty, local residents) can play. We will explore "mutual aid storytelling" as a practice for this moment and offer ways to ground learning spaces in holistic listening and healing practices. 

Free and open to the public.
Advance registration required: Register here
November 12th 1:30-3:00pm EST

What's the Translocal Learning Studio

The Humanities Action Lab is opening a studio for developing and expanding anti-racist, decolonial, and community-centered learning practices that activate history and memory for justice-centered movements and mutual aid in the current moment. This studio will be “translocal,” a core tenet of HAL that honors the unique circumstances, autonomy, and tools of hyperlocal organizing and supports building reciprocal learning relationships between these localities across the world.

Want to learn more and see our Fall schedule? Click here.